Thursday, May 13, 2010


Appliances will be installed on wed. - Hot water, stove, dishwasher insinkerator.
Keys and remote control to the garage will be handed over at settlement
Heating will be comissioned after settlement, the guys will call us and organise a time. They will run through the controls with us.

Final Inspection

We had the final inspection this morning and the house now looks really cool. Its been cleaned up from inside. There is not too many things to fix now, atleast nothing major.
Following was observed today that needs to be addressed before settlement:
  • Minor paint touchups and cleaning throughout.
  • Tap in kitchen to be replaced to veggie spray.
  • Some flyscreens are inside out.
  • Bifold door does not close properly and needs a handle.
  • Main water pipe to the house to be underground and is also leaking.
  • Render to portico needs paint touch up where the balcony drain is.
  • Soap holders in all bathrooms are upside down.
Termite treatment is a reticulated treatment these days, there is a pipe that runs (underground) through the perimeter of the house and weeps for about 12 months and then you top up the fluid. Cool!!
They had a huge pile of dirt in the front this morning, they are going to level the sides a bit more towards where the retaining wall is.